Friday, December 9, 2011

Hudson's big race

Just before he got started
Rounding the final corner
A few steps away from the finish line
Excited about the treats at the end of the race

The Saturday before Thanksgiving Hudson had his big race, the Richardson Gobble Hobble. We did the 5k last year and Hudson saw the 1 mile kid run and has been waiting for this race for an entire year! We signed him up this year and Hudson was THRILLED. The couple weeks leading up to the race we talked about it and I reminded him that more than likely he would not win - I know his competitive side and I needed to do all the potential damage control that I could. Well, he proved me wrong!!!! One adult finished before him and he was the 1st kid. Hudson loved every minute of it and is already asking when he can run another race. I love that this has opened up more conversations about exercise and the different organizations that benefit from races.

1 comment:

The McKays said...

so cool! nice work, Hud!