Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Look, Hudson's Delirious!

We wanted to share with you one of our favorite moods that Hudson gets in...delirium! It's a little too easy to make him laugh during these times. He seems like such a little boy most days, but in instances like these, he reminds us he's still our baby.

P.S. Take note of the awesome move he does about 5/6 of the way through. It's a leg-kicker toward the chest with synchronized arm flails. (Thanks to Audrey for pointing such hilarity out.)

P.P.S. Also take note of the last laugh, it's a paralyzer! Dad's favorite type of Hudson laugh.


Anna said...

I have a real blog now, it may not be to exciting but now stalking can be a two way street. Where will yall be for the holiday's. I really want to see you guys????

the corsos said...

So fun. I, too, enjoy those times of delirium!

The McKays said...

i love this! he is so stinkin cute, i can't wait for he and mags to meet. man, he is walking so good, too!

Those Tonnes said...

That video is so cute. I can't wait for those times of delirium with my children.