Friday, January 26, 2007

Photo of the week

Today Hudson is officially 2 months old! I am amazed at how fast the time has gone by. Unfortunately, today we celebrated by taking him to his 2 month dr. appt.....and yes, the shots were horrible. He also has a little cold, so our sweet little boy just is not feeling too great today (but he sure looks cute!) He now weighs 13 lbs 2 oz. and is 23 1/4 inches long. Hudson took his shots like a champ, we were so proud of him and we plan on spending the rest of the day just resting. Hudson is laughing and smiling more and more each week.

1 comment:

The McKays said...

Too cute!

I wonder how Mags will hold up with her shots in 2 weeks. Probably like most, she'll cry her eyes out, but it's good to know that they will survive. :)