Monday, February 21, 2011

Elijah and Parker

I can't believe Elijah is already 2 months! He is such a little sweetie and a complete joy to be around. He is a major blessing to our family. Christian and I are constantly talking about how much we love our little family. Here is some Elijah info:

~Height: 24 3/4 in (95%)
~Weight: 14lbs 10oz (off the chart....hee hee)
~head: 15 7/8
~smiles and talks often
~loves his older brother and sister. He puts up with a lot of "lovin" from the older 2.
~is now going 7 hours between feedings at night (YAY!!!!!)
~is super sweet and chilled baby
~has rolled over from tummy to back a couple times
~loves his pacifier
~great eater (obviously)

Parker also had her 2 year check up today (a little late, but easier to get them both done at the same time). Parker info:

~full of personality!
~a little mommy in training - loves to take care of any one younger than her. She is actually really good at it
~her smile lights up the room
~extremely independent
~can count to 10 (when she wants to)
~working on her letters - pretends she doesn't know them, then will randomly surprise you. So different than Hudson, he loves to show off what he knows
~loves art, dancing and anything dangerous
~enjoys arguing - we will often hear her yelling "no" at just about anything, tells Hudson that I'm "her mommy" and she loves to push Hudson's buttons and knows exactly how.
~absolutely ADORES both of her brothers. Parker loves to copy Hudson. Hudson also loves his sister
~height: 34 3/4in (65%)
~weight: 26lbs (40%)
~head: 17 7/8 (off the chart small)

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