Yesterday, Hudson and I ran the Gobble Hobble 5k. It was extremely cold and a bit drizzly, definitely not ideal conditions for Hudson to run his first 5k. He was so excited and I'm so glad this is something we were able to do together.
It was a TOUGH race for him. I think this is the most challenging athletic activity he has ever had to push thru and I am so very proud of him. I was so blessed and encouraged by our time together. As we ran I was able to have conversations with him about perseverance, determination and the joy of finishing a difficult task. Other than playing soccer, he has only run with me a couple times and never more than a mile.
He worked so hard to finish this race and he ended up getting 1st in the 8 and under age group. We are so excited about getting to do more of these in the future. Way to go, Hud. We are so proud of you